NHS Service

What are the symptoms of shingles?

Patients who wish to avoid or minimise suffering from shingles should visit Touchwood Pharmacy Cippenham Shingles vaccination clinic. Typically sufferers first notice an uncomfortable and painful rash. This rash sometimes develops into fluid-filled blisters. Other common symptoms include itching, burning, and tingling sensations. Some people also experience fevers, headaches, and tiredness. However, for most patients, pain is the thing they remember most after a bout of shingles. The pain is often described as intense, stabbing, or burning, and it sometimes lasts long after the rash has healed.

Shingles is one of those conditions that we often see in our pharmacies. It typically effects older patients, and it can be distressing to see patients suffering with the pain of shingles. The best way to avoid the discomfort and pain of an infection with shingles is to have the shingles vaccine administered. If you decide you want to have the shingles vaccine, our team at Touchwood Pharmacy Cippehnahm vaccine service can help provide you with expert advice and help to arrange a vaccine.

Why is receiving the shingles vaccination important?

Apart from avoiding the painful symptoms of shingles, the shingles vaccination is important for many reasons. Firstly, shingles vaccination can significantly reduce the risk of developing shingles in the first place avoiding the pain and debilitation that shingles is known for. Secondly, even if shingles does occur after you’ve had the shingles vaccine, the severity of the symptoms and length of the infection are generally lessened in immunised patients. Lastly, the shingles vaccine helps to prevent complications and long-lasting pain, especially in older adults who are more susceptible to shingles.

Who can get the shingles vaccine on the NHS?

At present, the shingles vaccine is offered as part of the NHS immunization program to certain age groups. Depending on your location, it is usually offered to patients aged 70 to 79 years but there is sometimes a catch-up program for older patients who may missed the vaccine when they were younger. Those outside this group can consider receiving it privately as shingles can strike those affected at any age. If you are interested in knowing more about shingles vaccination or would like to book an appointment for the vaccine, then speak to the health professionals at our Slough branch of Touchwood Pharmacy on Bath Rd, Cippenham, Slough SL1 5QL.

Call today or book your appointment online for Shingles Vaccination Shingles Vaccine Cippenham Slough