NHS Service

What are the side effects would I experience from the dengue vaccine?

Usually, the side effects of this vaccination are mild that include soreness, itchiness, tiredness, headache or pain at the injection site. These symptoms would usually get disappear within a few days.In rare cases , there’s a slight chance of a serious allergic reaction or changes in your vision or hear ringing in your ears. If you notice these symptoms or signs, visit your local pharmacist at the nearby Touchwood Pharmacy in Sydenham ( SE23, SE26,Forest Hill, Dulwich, Penge, Clapham, or Mitcham immediately)

How many dosages are required for the dengue vaccine?

In case of Qdenga, the second dosage must be given three months after the administration of first vaccination. The recommended age for getting vaccinated is 6 years to 45 years.
If you looking for dengue vaccine, you can book an appointment to one of the Touchwood pharmacy listed below.
Locations : Sydenham ( SE23, SE26, Forest Hill, Dulwich, Penge, Clapham, or Mitcham )

Is Qdenga vaccination available in Touchwood Pharmacy?

Yes, we offer Qdenga vaccination against dengue fever which is licensed in the UK. Please feel free to consult one of our pharmacists at Touchwood Pharmacy available in Sydenham ( SE23, SE26, Forest Hill, Dulwich, Penge, Clapham, or Mitcham)


Call today or book your appointment online for Dengue Fever Vaccination SYDENHAM Touchwood Pharmacy