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food allergy testing

The Simple Way to Know if You’re Allergic to Anything

You might be surprised to learn that it’s common for allergies to change or develop as you get older. Something you used to be allergic to in childhood may eventually stop causing symptoms during adulthood. You may also just as easily develop an allergy to something that never used to

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allergy testing

What To Expect From An Allergy Doctor Visit?

If you have tried symptomatic relief for your allergies and its just not working, then it could be time to visit an allergy doctor. An allergy specialist can help you tackle the root cause of the problem and devise a treatment plan to get rid of those unpleasant symptoms for

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How to Deal with Sniffing, Sneezing - touchwood pharmacy

How to Deal with Sniffing, Sneezing, and Other Winter Allergies

When you think of seasonal allergies, winter is probably not the season that first comes to mind. However, seasonal allergies can happen at any time of the year. So if you have prolonged sniffs and sneezes during the colder winter months, you may be experiencing winter allergies. What Causes Winter

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Types of Allergy Tests - Touchwood Pharmacy

3 Types of Allergy Tests for Kids

Allergies in children can cause a lot of annoying symptoms which interfere with sleep, school life, diet, and general health and wellbeing. There are well-known allergy medicines that your doctor can recommend but it can just be more effective to allergy test your child to find the source of the

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What is Non-allergic Rhinitis?

What is Non-allergic Rhinitis?

Non-allergic rhinitis is a type of nasal inflammation that isn’t caused by exposure to allergens like pollen or pet dander. It makes the blood vessels in the nose become inflamed, leading to a buildup of fluid in your nasal tissue. The symptoms are often similar to those of nasal allergies

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Food Allergy Testing - Touchwood Pharmacy

What to Expect from an Allergy Evaluation

Allergies in the UK are both on the rise and becoming more and more common. People living with allergies have risen by approximately 5% every year since an initial “first wave” of allergic disease around fifty years ago. As of 2012, data suggests that around 1 in 40 children are

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Peanut Allergy Testing - Touchwood Pharmacy

Understanding Peanut Allergy Testing

Peanut allergies are on the rise with more children given a peanut allergy diagnosis each year. It is not fully understood why peanut allergy is becoming more common, but what is agreed on is that the intensity of the allergy is becoming more serious. For some, even just mild exposure

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