NHS Service
Hepatitis A Symptoms

The Risk of Hepatitis A: What You Should Know

Hepatitis A is a short-term form of hepatitis that is caused by the hepatitis A virus. It can be found everywhere across the globe, but it’s more common in rural areas or in regions with poor water and sanitation. Hepatitis A Symptoms Hepatitis A symptoms will usually start to develop

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Hepatitis A vaccine

How And When Should You Receive The Hepatitis A Vaccine?

Vaccination against Hepatitis A is not routinely offered in the UK because for most people, the risk is low. Hepatitis A is usually only a problem if you are travelling to parts of the world where the disease is widespread. If you are looking for the hepatitis travel vaccination in

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Hepatitis B Vaccination – Who Needs It And When?

Hepatitis B Vaccination – Who Needs It And When?

The Hepatitis B vaccination is offered to people who are at increased risk of contracting Hepatitis B or suffering ill health due to its complications. Hepatitis B is a major cause of serious liver disease including cirrhosis of the liver or scarring and liver cancer. If you are interested in

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What to Avoid With Hepatitis C and Liver Disease

What to Avoid With Hepatitis C and Liver Disease

Hepatitis C is a virus that can affect the liver and cause liver disease. If left untreated, it can sometimes cause serious and potentially life-threatening damage to the liver over many years. Modern treatments and Hepatitis C medicines mean it is usually possible to cure the infection and most people

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Hepatitis Vaccination - Touchwood Pharmacy

What are Hepatitis and What Are the Types?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is caused by a viral infection or through drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Many cases of hepatitis pass without long-term effects, but if it becomes chronic, the liver damage can be catastrophic. Types of Hepatitis Hepatitis A: An infection that most people

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How to reduce the risk of Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a generic term used to describe inflammation of the liver, there are several different forms of hepatitis.  Sometimes preventing hepatitis is necessary if you are travelling to certain parts of the world.

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Hepatitis B Vaccine - Touchwood Pharmacy

How Long Does Hepatitis B Vaccine Last?

Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver that is spread through blood and bodily fluids. It is a vaccine preventable illness and Hepatitis B vaccines are given as a part of routine vaccinations for children. The Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended if one travels to a country where the

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What are the Signs & Symptoms of Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a generic term used to describe inflammation of the liver.  There are different types of Hepatitis disease, some pass without any serious problems or even many symptoms whereas others can be long-lasting and chronic and will cause scarring of the liver, loss of liver function and sometimes, cancer of the liver.

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