NHS Service

Does The HPV Vaccine Help If Already Infected?

effectiveness of the hpv vaccine after infection

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus with many strains, some of which can lead to serious health issues like cancer. The HPV vaccine is designed to prevent these high-risk strains of the virus. But what if someone is already infected with HPV? Can the vaccine still help?

What is HPV and Its Impact?

HPV is primarily transmitted through intimate skin-to-skin contact. While most HPV infections clear up on their own, some persist and can lead to genital warts or cancers such as cervical, anal or throat cancer. In the UK, the NHS HPV vaccine is offered to young people to help prevent these outcomes.

How the HPV Vaccine Works?

The HPV vaccine works by stimulating the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that can recognise and fight off the virus. It targets several strains of HPV, including those most commonly associated with cancer and genital warts.

What is the Age for HPV Vaccination?

The optimal age for HPV vaccination is before any exposure to the virus, which is why it is typically administered to preteens. In many countries, including the UK, the NHS HPV vaccine is given to boys and girls around the ages of 12 to 13. However, it can be administered up to the age of 26 and in some cases, even later.

HPV Infection and the Vaccine: The Basics

If someone is already infected with one strain of HPV, the vaccine won’t cure the existing infection or its related symptoms. The vaccine is preventive, not therapeutic. This means it won’t help get rid of the virus or treat diseases caused by HPV. However, it can still offer protection against other strains of HPV that the individual hasn’t been exposed to yet.

A person infected with one type of HPV can still benefit from the vaccine’s protection against other types. For instance, if someone has HPV type 16, which is known for its high risk of causing cancer, the vaccine can still protect them against types 6 and 11, which cause genital warts and other high-risk types.

Even if an individual has a human papillomavirus infection, the vaccine can help prevent new infections from other HPV strains. This is particularly important because persistent infections with multiple HPV types can increase the risk of developing serious health issues like cancer.

Managing HPV Symptoms and Treatment

For those already infected with HPV, managing symptoms and monitoring health is crucial. HPV symptoms in females can include genital warts, abnormal Pap test results and in severe cases, symptoms related to cervical cancer. HPV treatment focuses on managing symptoms rather than curing the virus itself.

For example, genital warts can be treated with topical medications or removed through medical procedures. Regular screening and follow-ups are essential to catch any potential complications early.

High-Risk HPV and Cancer

High-risk HPV types, such as HPV 16 and 18, are known to cause most HPV-related cancers. Even if someone is infected with a high-risk type, the vaccine can still provide protection against other high-risk types they haven’t been exposed to yet. This can be crucial in reducing the overall risk of cancer development.

The Role of Screening and Monitoring

Regular health check-ups and screenings, such as Pap tests and HPV tests, are vital for individuals with HPV. These tests can help detect any early signs of cancer or pre-cancerous changes in the cells. Early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes and can help manage the risks associated with high-risk HPV.

Addressing Myths and Misconceptions

There are many misconceptions about the HPV vaccine, one of which is that it is unnecessary if someone is already infected. It’s important to understand that the vaccine still plays a crucial role in protecting against multiple strains of the virus, thereby reducing the risk of future infections and related health issues.

Visit Touchwood Pharmacy for Your HPV Vaccine

While the HPV vaccine won’t cure an existing human papillomavirus infection, it can still be highly beneficial. It provides protection against other strains of the virus, reducing the risk of developing further HPV-related health problems.

For those already infected, managing symptoms, regular health check-ups and screenings are essential to catch any potential complications early. The vaccine remains a powerful tool in the fight against HPV, helping to prevent the spread of the virus and the serious health issues it can cause.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from HPV-related health issues by getting vaccinated at Touchwood Pharmacy. Our professional and friendly staff are here to provide you with the HPV vaccine, ensuring you receive the best protection against various strains of the virus. Whether you’re a parent looking to vaccinate your child or an adult seeking protection, we are ready to help. Contact us now.