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Ear Microsuction

If you have recently noticed symptoms such as sudden loss of hearing, pressure in your ear, tinnitus or earache, you may be experiencing an ear wax build up. At Touchwood Pharmacy we offer private wax removal services carried out by trained professionals including ear microsuction. You can obtain our ear wax removal services at our locations in Northampton, Streatham, Sydenham and Northolt.

What is Ear Microsuction?

Ear microsuction is a type of ear cleaning carried out in our private consultation rooms where gentle suction is applied to the ear canal for the extraction of ear wax build up. It involves the insertion of a miniscule vacuum into the ear cavity to dislodge and remove any ear wax which may be impacting your health and hearing.

How Does Ear Microsuction Work?

Chronic ear wax build up can put you at risk for ear infection, so removal is important to maintaining your overall ear health. The procedure is quick and should be painless, though you may feel some pressure during the procedure. You may also hear squeaking or crackling inside your ear. These are normal and to be expected when the long vacuuming nozzle performing the suction is inside your ear.

What Can I Expect at My Appointment?

The specially trained pharmacist conducting the procedure will first ask you questions about the length of time and severity of any symptoms you may be experiencing as part of an ear health consultation. It is important to confirm that your symptoms are indeed originating from ear wax build up. Next, a physical inspection will occur where the pharmacist will visibly locate the ear wax in need of removal. If none can be seen, a small specially designed camera may be inserted into the ear canal.

How Do I Prepare for My Appointment?

It may take more than one attempt to remove your wax- so to prepare for your appointment, we recommend using an olive oil product to soften the wax beforehand. Apply olive oil drops or spray Earol (twice a day) from the day you book the appointment, until the day of the appointment (5-7 days). (Always read the label). This may serve to assist in the quick removal of wax.

Before you come in, please call and speak to the pharmacist if;

  • Any pain within the last 90 days
  • Any middle ear infections within the last 90 days
  • Any current or recurrent ear infection
  • Any past operations in or around the ear
  • Suspect you have any foreign bodies in the ear canal
  • Suspect you have a perforated eardrum
  • Any fluid or discharge from inside your ear within the last 90 days

Are There Any Side Effects?

Mild side effects are common and can include:

  • Discomfort during the procedure
  • Temporary loss of hearing
  • Dizziness

Check with your GP whether ear wax removal is right for you. The procedure is generally regarded as safe but some people may not make good candidates for ear microsuction. Speak with our team today to find out more..



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