NHS Service
How to recognise prevent and treat tetanus effectively

How Can You Recognise, Prevent And Treat Tetanus Effectively

Tetanus is a rare but serious disease caused by bacteria commonly found in soil, dust, and animal faeces. The condition can lead to severe muscle stiffness and spasms, making it difficult to breathe and perform basic tasks. Although uncommon in the UK, tetanus still poses a risk if left unaddressed.

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Visual guide for diphtheria tetanus vaccination process

Diphtheria Tetanus Vaccination: A Step-By-Step Guide

Vaccination is one of the most effective public health interventions ever developed, protecting individuals from a range of potentially deadly diseases. Among the essential vaccinations, the Diphtheria Tetanus (DT) vaccine stands out as a cornerstone in preventing two serious bacterial infections: diphtheria and tetanus. Understanding the importance of this vaccine

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