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Why Is The Yellow Fever Vaccine Not Recommended For Individuals Over 60?

Reasons yellow fever vaccine not recommended for over 60

Yellow fever is a serious viral infection spread by mosquitoes, predominantly found in parts of Africa and South America. It can cause severe illness and even death. The best way to protect against yellow fever is through vaccination. However, it’s not always straightforward, especially for older adults. 

In this article, we’ll explore why the yellow fever vaccine is not typically recommended for individuals over 60, touching on the disease, the vaccine, potential side effects and where you can get vaccinated in London.

What is Yellow Fever?

Yellow fever is named for the jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) that affects some patients. The virus targets the liver and other internal organs, leading to high fever, bleeding and organ failure in severe cases. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. In extreme cases, it can lead to severe liver disease and bleeding, with a high risk of fatality.

Yellow Fever Vaccination

The yellow fever vaccine is highly effective and is the best protection against the disease. It’s a live-attenuated vaccine, which means it contains a weakened form of the virus that helps your immune system recognise and fight the real virus if you’re exposed. Once vaccinated, immunity usually lasts for life.

Yellow Fever Vaccine Side Effects

While the vaccine is generally safe and effective, like all vaccines, it can cause side effects. Common side effects include mild headaches, muscle pain, low-grade fever and soreness at the injection site. These side effects are typically short-lived and mild. However, more severe reactions can occur, though they are rare.

Risks for Older Adults

For individuals over 60, the decision to get the yellow fever vaccine becomes more complex. The immune system weakens with age, making older adults more susceptible to both infections and side effects from vaccines. Here are the primary concerns:

  • Increased Risk of Serious Side Effects: Older adults are at a higher risk of developing serious side effects from the yellow fever vaccine, such as yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease (YEL-AVD) and yellow fever vaccine-associated neurotropic disease (YEL-AND). YEL-AVD is a severe condition that can cause multi-organ failure and YEL-AND can lead to inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. These conditions are rare but can be fatal.
  • Pre-existing Health Conditions: Many individuals over 60 have underlying health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes or immune system disorders, which can complicate the vaccination process and increase the risk of adverse effects.
  • Weaker Immune Response: The immune response to vaccines tends to diminish with age, meaning the vaccine might not be as effective in older adults. This diminished response can reduce the overall benefit of the vaccination.

Making the Decision

Given the increased risks, our experts at Touchwood Pharmacy often recommend that individuals over 60 avoid the yellow fever vaccine unless they are travelling to areas where the risk of yellow fever transmission is high. If travel to such areas is unavoidable, a thorough evaluation by our professional is essential. They will weigh the risks of vaccination against the risks of contracting yellow fever, considering factors such as the individual’s health status and the likelihood of exposure to the virus.

Get Your Yellow Fever Vaccine at Touchwood Pharmacy

While the yellow fever vaccine is an important tool in preventing serious disease, it is not always recommended for individuals over 60 due to the higher risk of severe side effects. Older adults should carefully consider their travel plans to make an informed decision. In London, yellow fever clinics can provide the necessary vaccination and guidance. 

Our expert team at Touchwood Pharmacy ensures you get the best care and advice. Conveniently located, we provide quick and easy vaccination services to keep you safe on your travels. Book your appointment today and travel worry-free.